I’ve been working with interesting thinkers at Agnes Scott College over the last four years on projects orbiting the idea of digital literacies, open source thinking, design, and virtual communities. This summer, that community got tighter and more focused on a series of education, design, and digital content initiatives. We’re calling it the Moonfish Collective.
We have lots of pie in the sky plans: take on clients, build a curriculum, start a school, DIY the web over and over. For now though, I can say that I have rarely if ever worked with a smarter, kinder, funnier, and more compatible bunch of people. Our politics, expertises, creative goals, and stories overlap and compliment each other in increasingly exciting ways.
Last night we celebrated a couple of family birthdays together. In some ways, our incubation period is over; the fall semester has started and our projects are going to get mixed in with teaching, writing, and other work. But I’m excited about the potential all of these people carry, and I’m proud to call them (and their beautiful families) my partners.