The following post will serve as the structure for my initial presentation this morning at Agnes Scott College’s Intermediate WordPress Think and Do Tank.
father | atlantan | cyclist | educator | scholar | union member
The following post will serve as the structure for my initial presentation this morning at Agnes Scott College’s Intermediate WordPress Think and Do Tank.
This tweet from yesterday is a great example of digital engagement. CAPTION THIS! — Badlands Nat’l Park (@BadlandsNPS) January 24, 2017
In August 2013, while I was finishing up as a lecturer at Georgia State and getting ready to start a new job at Southern Polytechnic State, I threw up a Google Community called Atlanta DH/D-Ped and started posting about events, open jobs, and things I was reading. My first post there outlined, roughly, what I was trying to do — build community. I saw my friend Brennan Collins (GSU) organizing digital pedagogy events with great potential, and I wanted other people to know about them along with other DH and digital pedagogy events in Atlanta. I learned from my work on Hybrid Pedagogy that it is impossible to predict the value and direction of a group of likeminded open educators and researchers; best to just provide a framework for our conversations and see where it goes.
In Higher Ed, we often talk about “collaborative writing,” but what does it mean? Most scholars who have been through a dissertation understand collaboration in a traditional…
Originally for students in my “Media and Narrative” and “Film as Literature” classes, Spring 2015
“Responding” to a media artifact (whether film, text, or some other form) in an academic environment is a valuable exercise in idea generation, research, and organization. We have to immediately interrogate the idea that any response at all (“I liked it” or “I didn’t like it) demonstrates analysis; we have to separate our definitions of opinion and response.
In the spring I will be teaching a student cohort enrolled in my ENGL 1102 course and STS (Science, Technology, and Society) 2400 taught by…
As part of Wide World Ed’s Open Education MOOC, here is my teaching philosophy. This document is an (only slightly) edited version of the one…